blue shark

Blue Shark Facts: Habitat, Diet & Behaviour

The blue shark, scientifically known as Prionace glauca, is a fascinating shark species that inhabits the deep waters of the world’s oceans. It is a fast-swimming and agile predator, making it one of the most formidable apex predators in the marine life ecosystem. With its distinctive blue coloration and sleek body shape, the blue shark is a true marvel of nature.

Blue sharks are found worldwide in the deep waters of both temperate and tropical oceans. Their habitat ranges from as far south as Chile to as far north as Norway. These deep-sea creatures prefer water temperatures ranging from 7 to 25 degrees Celsius, allowing them to adapt to various climates.

The diet of blue sharks primarily consists of squid, cephalopods, and fish. They are skilled hunters, using their sharp teeth to capture and consume their prey. Blue sharks have a varied feeding behavior and can hunt both during the day and at night, adapting to the availability of food sources.

Despite their impressive hunting abilities, blue sharks face threats in the form of fishing bycatch. They are often unintentionally caught in fishing operations, leading to a decline in their population. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect this magnificent species and preserve the delicate balance of our oceans.

Key Takeaways:

  • The blue shark is a fast-swimming apex predator found in the deep waters of the world’s oceans.
  • It has a distinctive blue coloration and a sleek body shape.
  • Blue sharks inhabit both temperate and tropical oceans, preferring water temperatures ranging from 7 to 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Their diet primarily consists of squid, cephalopods, and fish.
  • Blue sharks are vulnerable to fishing bycatch, which poses a threat to their population.

Physical Characteristics of Blue Sharks

The blue shark (Prionace glauca) exhibits a unique set of physical characteristics that distinguish it from other shark species. With its distinctive coloration, size, teeth, and skin, the blue shark is a remarkable marine predator.

The blue shark has a slender body with a deep indigo blue color on its back, fading to a clear bright blue on its sides and white on its underside. This coloration helps it blend into its oceanic environment, providing excellent camouflage.

The average size of a blue shark varies between genders. Mature females are larger, measuring between 2.2 to 3.3 meters in length and weighing 93 to 182 kilograms. On the other hand, males generally reach lengths of around 2 to 2.5 meters and weigh in at around 45 to 54 kilograms.

One notable feature of the blue shark is its teeth. The upper teeth of blue sharks are triangular, serrated, and recurved, enabling them to efficiently grasp and tear apart their prey. This specialized dentition allows blue sharks to consume a wide variety of prey items, including squid, fish, and other marine organisms.

Furthermore, the skin of blue sharks is smooth to the touch, thanks to the presence of overlapping dermal denticles. These tiny, tooth-like structures cover their skin, giving it a rough texture and providing an added layer of protection against parasites and abrasions.

With their distinct appearance, including their vibrant blue coloration, size variation between genders, unique teeth, and protective skin, blue sharks have captivated marine enthusiasts and scientists alike.

Habitat and Range of Blue Sharks

Blue sharks, with their remarkable range and habitat preferences, are well-suited for survival in various oceanic conditions. These resilient creatures can be found in cool ocean waters spanning the globe. They are known to inhabit waters as far south as Chile and reach as far north as Norway. Blue sharks tend to favor water temperatures that range from 7 to 25 degrees Celsius, adapting to the prevailing conditions.

With their highly migratory nature, blue sharks closely follow ocean currents, navigating their way in a clockwise direction. In temperate regions, such as off the coasts of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, they tend to remain offshore. However, in tropical waters, where temperatures are warmer, blue sharks dive deeper to seek their desired comfort level. During the summer and fall seasons, they can often be observed near the surface, particularly over deep waters, indicating their preference for these areas.

Blue sharks’ migration patterns and adaptability to different climates highlight their ability to thrive in diverse environments. These remarkable creatures showcase their resilience by navigating vast distances while maintaining their natural behavior and feeding habits.

Diet and Feeding Behavior of Blue Sharks

Blue sharks are formidable carnivorous predators and have a diverse diet consisting of squid, other cephalopods, and various species of fish. These fast-swimming sharks are known to be opportunistic feeders, utilizing their hunting skills to target a wide range of prey. They have also been observed preying on other sharks, cetaceans such as whales and porpoises, as well as seabirds.

Blue sharks possess unique feeding behavior that allows them to adapt to different hunting situations. They are capable of feeding at any time within a 24-hour period, but they are most active during the early evening and nocturnal hours. Their hunting strategy involves both slow swimming to survey their surroundings and sudden bursts of speed to capture their prey. This enables them to swiftly seize their victims and secure a successful kill.

Despite their agility, blue sharks do have natural predators in the ocean ecosystem. Larger sharks, such as the white shark and shortfin mako shark, pose a threat to blue sharks. Additionally, killer whales, though not commonly encountered, are known to prey on blue sharks as well. These natural predators play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced marine ecosystem by regulating blue shark populations.

“Blue sharks are formidable carnivorous predators, capable of adapting to different hunting situations. They have a diverse diet and are known to target squid, fish, other sharks, cetaceans, and seabirds.”

Other cephalopods10%
Other prey (including sharks, cetaceans, and seabirds)5%

Reproduction and Life Cycle of Blue Sharks

Blue sharks, scientifically known as Prionace glauca, are viviparous sharks that give birth to live young. The male blue sharks reach sexual maturity at around four to five years of age, while the females mature slightly later, at around five to six years of age.

The mating behavior of blue sharks involves the male biting the female, resulting in distinctive bite scars on the mature females’ bodies. Over time, female blue sharks have developed thicker skin to adapt to this mating behavior and protect themselves.

Female blue sharks give birth to large litters, ranging from as few as four pups to as many as 135. These pups are born fully formed and are capable of swimming and hunting shortly after birth.

The life expectancy of blue sharks is up to 20 years, but many of the pups do not survive to maturity, as they serve as an important food source for other predators.

Reproduction FactsLifespan and Survival Rates
Blue sharks are viviparous, giving birth to live young.The average lifespan of blue sharks is up to 20 years.
Male blue sharks mature at around 4-5 years of age. Female blue sharks mature at around 5-6 years of age.Many blue shark pups do not survive to maturity, as they are preyed upon by other predators.
Mating behavior involves the male biting the female, leaving distinctive bite scars on mature females.Survival rates of blue sharks are influenced by various factors, including predation and availability of food.
Female blue sharks give birth to large litters, ranging from 4 to 135 pups.Blue sharks that survive to maturity can live up to 20 years.

Blue Shark Mating Behavior

“The mating ritual of blue sharks involves the male biting the female, leaving distinctive bite scars on mature females. This behavior is an important part of their reproductive process.”

During the mating ritual, the male blue shark will bite the female’s pectoral fin or body, sometimes even grasping her with his teeth. This behavior serves multiple purposes, including triggering ovulation in the female, asserting dominance, and ensuring successful reproduction.

The bite scars left on the female blue sharks act as a visual indicator to potential mates, signaling that they have already mated successfully and are likely to be receptive to further advances.

Female blue sharks have adapted to this mating behavior by developing thicker skin, providing additional protection against the male’s bites.

Mating behavior is a crucial part of the blue shark reproductive process, contributing to the survival and continuation of the species.

Conservation Status of Blue Sharks

Despite their widespread distribution and rapid reproductive rate, blue sharks (Prionace glauca) are currently listed as a near threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This classification reflects the ongoing concerns and threats faced by these iconic marine predators.

The main threat to the blue shark population is fishing bycatch, where they are inadvertently caught in fishing operations targeting other species. Although blue sharks are not intentionally targeted, they frequently become significant bycatch in longline and driftnet fisheries.

In addition to fishing pressure, blue sharks are also susceptible to parasites that can impair their vision and affect their gill function. These health issues further compound the challenges faced by the species.

Effective conservation efforts are essential to ensure the long-term survival of blue sharks in the wild. By addressing the specific threats they face, conservation organizations and governing bodies can work towards maintaining healthy blue shark populations and preserving their vital role in marine ecosystems.

Threats to Blue Sharks

The primary threat to blue sharks is bycatch in fishing operations. As they are often unintentionally captured while fishing for other species, blue sharks face increased mortality rates due to inadequate fishing practices. The vulnerability of blue sharks to bycatch is exacerbated by their migratory behavior and wide-ranging distribution, making them more susceptible to encounters with fishing gear.

Furthermore, blue sharks are negatively impacted by their relatively slow growth rate and late maturation. These factors limit their ability to recover from population declines caused by fishing pressure.

Bycatch Reduction Strategies

To mitigate the impact of fishing bycatch on blue sharks, several strategies can be implemented. These include:

  • Using circle hooks and larger mesh sizes in fishing gear to reduce the capture of non-target species.
  • Implementing seasonal fishing closures in areas where blue sharks congregate during critical life stages, such as breeding or pupping.
  • Increasing observer coverage on fishing vessels to monitor and assess the levels of bycatch, allowing for targeted conservation measures.
  • Educating fishermen about the importance of sustainable fishing practices and the conservation status of blue sharks.
Conservation StrategiesEffectiveness
Implementing stricter regulations on fishing methodsSignificant reduction in blue shark bycatch
Encouraging the use of devices to reduce bycatch, such as turtle excluder devices (TEDs)Reduces unintentional capture and mortality of blue sharks
Establishing marine protected areas to safeguard critical habitatsProvides refuge and allows for population recovery

“Conservation efforts are crucial in ensuring the long-term survival of blue sharks and preserving the biodiversity of our oceans. By addressing the threats they face and implementing effective management measures, we can protect this magnificent species for future generations.”

Blue Sharks in Captivity

Blue sharks are fascinating creatures that captivate the imagination with their graceful movements and striking appearance. However, when it comes to keeping blue sharks in captivity, there are significant challenges that need to be considered.

One of the primary challenges of keeping blue sharks in captivity is their tendency to injure themselves by running into the walls of their tanks. These sharks are highly migratory and require large, open spaces to thrive. Being confined in a tank restricts their natural movement and can lead to stress and injury.

Additionally, housing blue sharks together with other shark species often results in cannibalism. Blue sharks are opportunistic predators, and when confined in close quarters with other sharks, they may see them as potential prey. This can lead to aggressive behavior and harm to other sharks in the tank.

Considering these challenges, it is no wonder that blue sharks are rarely kept in aquariums. These remarkable creatures are more suited to their natural habitat in the open ocean, where they can roam freely and exhibit their natural behaviors.

“Blue sharks do not fare well in captivity and are rarely kept in aquariums.”

Human Interactions with Blue Sharks

Blue sharks are generally not a significant threat to humans and rarely bite. In fact, over the past 400 years, there have only been 13 verified blue shark attacks, with four resulting in fatalities. Despite their reputation as predators, blue sharks tend to avoid human encounters and do not show aggressive behavior towards swimmers or divers.

However, blue sharks can be caught by fishermen and are often considered a nuisance in the commercial fishing industry. Due to their low commercial value, blue sharks are usually discarded or used for less profitable purposes, such as bait. Additionally, blue sharks have a tendency to destroy fishing gear, causing inconvenience to fishermen.

Blue sharks are occasionally targeted by recreational fishermen for sport or display purposes. Although catch and release practices are encouraged to conserve their populations, some individuals may be retained for trophies or personal collections.

While rare, blue shark interactions with humans and the fishing industry continue to shape the perception and management of this species.

Commercial Uses of Blue Sharks

While blue sharks may not be highly valued for their flesh, they do have some commercial uses. Shark meat, including that of blue sharks, is often dried, smoked, or used to make fish meal. Blue shark fins, on the other hand, are highly sought after for the production of shark fin soup, a delicacy in some Asian countries.

Another valuable component of blue sharks is their liver, which yields oil that can be used in various industries. Additionally, the skin of blue sharks is sometimes used to make leather products.

However, it is important to note that the commercial uses of blue sharks are not as significant as those of other shark species due to the lower demand for their meat and limited market value.


In conclusion, the blue shark is a migratory and carnivorous shark species found in deep waters worldwide. With its distinctive blue coloring and long, slender body, the blue shark is truly a remarkable creature of the deep. These apex predators feed on a diverse range of prey, including squid, fish, and even other sharks, showcasing their crucial role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem.

Despite their wide distribution, fast growth rate, and ability to reproduce quickly, blue sharks face significant threats, particularly from fishing bycatch. As unintended victims of commercial fishing operations, blue sharks are often caught in large numbers, putting their populations at risk. Conservation efforts and sustainable fishing practices are essential to ensure the long-term survival of this majestic species in the wild.

By raising awareness about the importance of protecting blue sharks and their habitats, we can contribute to the conservation of marine life and the preservation of our rich biodiversity. Through collaborative efforts, we can work towards a future where the blue shark, with its fascinating characteristics and vital ecological role, continues to thrive in the vast and mysterious depths of our oceans.


What is the blue shark’s scientific name?

The blue shark’s scientific name is Prionace glauca.

What is the average size of a blue shark?

Blue sharks can reach an average size of 2 to 3 meters.

Where are blue sharks found?

Blue sharks are found worldwide in deep waters of tropic and temperate oceans.

What is the diet of a blue shark?

Blue sharks primarily feed on squid, other cephalopods, and fish.

How do blue sharks reproduce?

Blue sharks give birth to live young, and females can have litters ranging from four to 135 pups.

Are blue sharks endangered?

Blue sharks are considered a near threatened species due to their vulnerability to fishing bycatch.

Can blue sharks be kept in captivity?

Blue sharks do not fare well in captivity and are rarely kept in aquariums.

Do blue sharks pose a threat to humans?

Blue sharks rarely bite humans and are not considered a significant threat.

What are the commercial uses of blue sharks?

Blue shark fins are used to make shark fin soup, and the liver yields oil. The skin is sometimes used to make leather.

Click here to read the article “Top 5 Most Dangerous Sharks to Humans Ranked”.